Star wars battlefront 2 galactic assault maps
Star wars battlefront 2 galactic assault maps

To be more specific, this is the gameplay mode that was featured during E3 2017 when Electronic Arts displayed a match taking place on Theed in Naboo that involved Separatist droids storming a palace that a throng of Republic clone troopers tried to defend.As it so happens, the aforementioned Galactic Assault mission on Naboo will go on to be playable in Star Wars Battlefront 2‘s upcoming open beta, which is set to occur for all players between October 6 and October 9, 2017, while those who pre-order the title will get early access to the test starting on October 4. And since the forthcoming title is going to incorporate content across multiple eras of the franchise, areas like Attack of the Clones‘ Kamino, Revenge of the Sith‘s Wookie home world of Kashyyyk, and The Force Awakens‘ Starkiller Base will be launch maps for the mode as well.NabooKaminoKashyyykEndorDeath Star IIHothMos EisleyYavin IVJakkuTakodanaStarkiller Base- EAStarWars the uninitiated, Galactic Assault is Star Wars Battlefront 2‘s that features both vehicles and hero units. Now, EA has decided to be more forthright and share all 11 locations that will serve as maps in the mode when the game releases later this year.As seen below in the tweet from the official Electronic Arts Star Wars Twitter account, is set to include many of the most iconic locations from the full series, including such memorable classics as the second Death Star, Endor, and Hoth. 0 sharesNot too long ago, the developer DICE and publisher teased which maps would be available upon launch in Star Wars Battlefront 2‘s Galactic Assault mode by providing the number of letters and spaces in each one’s names and allowing fans of the science fiction shooter to make predictions about which ones would make the cut. Death Star II: Command Center NorthSequel Trilogy. Kamino: Cloning FacilityOriginal Trilogy.

star wars battlefront 2 galactic assault maps

Command four classes of troopers and iconic heroes in engagements on Theed, Kashyyyk, and a host of other worlds.The Galactic Assault maps in Battlefront 2 are: Prequel Trilogy. Visit iconic locations, pilot favorite vehicles, choose from among for trooper classes, call in reinforcements, and be a hero.Fight multiplayer battles in planets from across all three cinematic eras of Star Wars. Galactic Assault The Battle BeginsBattle on a series of large team-oriented, objective-based maps. The game features a bunch of new modes that weren't present in the original 2015 release, and EA. The release for Star Wars: Battlefront 2 is fast approaching for PC, PS4 and Xbox One this fall.

  • Battlefront 2 All Galactic Assault Maps.

  • Star wars battlefront 2 galactic assault maps